Hi, I’m Patti Wright, a Certified Bible-Based Life Coach

Patti Wright

For thirty years, I homeschooled our eight children from start to finish.

I now have kids in their 40’s, 30’s, and 20’s.

I have 15 grandchildren, most of whom are homeschooled.

Our eight adult children are changing the world in some pretty great ways.

I love seeing them in their adult roles.


Guiding Homeschool Moms to Thrive: Insights from a Certified Bible-Based Life Coach

In 2021, I became a certified Bible-based life coach, specializing in helping homeschool moms navigate their challenges and unlock their full potential to thrive.

One of the biggest benefits I have to offer is “high altitude.”

I am no longer in the thick of day-in and day-out homeschooling, children, errands, discipline issues, cooking, school books, cleaning, laundry, and everything else!

Since I have been there, I have experience and understanding.

And, since years have passed since then, and I have older children and grandchildren, I can see from a higher perspective — and I can help you find that view, too.

problem solution written on chalkboard

What is coaching?

Coaching consists mainly of me listening to you and helping you move forward through your challenges. Coaching is not therapy or counseling, although it can sometimes border on mentoring.

I’m in your corner. I care about you and I’m ready to listen. I will help you find a fresh perspective, see what’s possible in your life, and help make it happen.

henry hospital

A special offer for June

For the month of June, I am offering a one-hour coaching session plus one follow-up call in exchange for a donation of any amount to my grandson Henry’s GoFundMe.

On May 18th my little grandson, Henry, turned four years old. Just weeks before, on May 1st, he was diagnosed with Burkitt Lymphoma, a rare and aggressive cancer.

My son Andrew and his wife have four other children, three older and one younger. Many of their needs are being met through their local church, friends, and family.

If Henry wants a drink he asks his mommy, if he wants to be held he asks his daddy.

Right now, with chemo taking its toll, all he wants is for Daddy to hold him. Daddy has already used all of his vacation time plus, spending day and night with Henry in the hospital, while also making time with Henry’s siblings who are grappling with this new reality.

The goal of my offer is to help Henry’s daddy be able to spend more time with him before going back to work and to provide you with the coaching you need to succeed!


Here’s how it works:

  1. Make a donation of any size to Henry’s GoFundMe.
  2. Book an appointment with me via my calendar
  3. You will receive a meeting invitation, along with a link to Google Meet.
  4. Our appointment will last one hour.
  5. When our appointment begins, you can tell me about yourself, your children, and your homeschool. After that, you can tell me about the challenge you want me to help you with.
  6. We will discuss possibilities together, and you will leave the call with an action item.
  7. We will have a follow-up appointment a week later to discuss what is working and what isn’t. This will be a 15-30 minute appointment.

It’s as simple as that! Connect with me today to schedule your appointment and move forward!

This offer is good as long as I have availability. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Slots could fill up fast so schedule today!


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