We can have an excellent mission and a well thought-out strategy, but if we don’t execute that strategy, we are no further ahead.
The execution, the actual carrying out, of your mission can be a grind. I remember mine often was. My plan was neat and tidy, but there were so many challenges, like:
- strong-willed children
- illnesses that ranged from aggravations (think vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes multiplied by 10) to the more serious type…
- someone being obstinate (and always at just the wrong time)
- mountains of laundry, diapers, dishes, and schoolbooks
- character issues in the children – and in me
- issues from outside of our home which affected us
- and so much more…
There were times of discouragement and there were times that I felt like I was falling so short of what God had called me to. I remember feeling tired and sometimes feeling like there was never a break. It was not immediately rewarding or easy, that’s for sure.
Executing your plan is where the rubber hits the road. Having the mission statement is a constant reminder of where you’re heading, but even with a good plan, it’s not enough when real life comes at you. You need to have the determination to stick with it – and for that, you need God’s strength and encouragement. There can be days when determination cannot be found, but in our weakness, God is strong. Never forget to commit your plans to the Lord and ask for his blessing. He is faithful and will be with you through these and all of your days.
Really, He will. I know this firsthand.
As I look back over these last thirty years, I recognize what a journey it was. There are things I would do differently. I would be more relaxed about some things and less relaxed about others. There were things I could have lived without, but a mission statement and strategy would not be among them. Keeping our mission in front of me and my plan (planner) at my side, at least I knew what I should be doing!
These were our values being lived out. Along with God’s blessing, it is why our kids are responsible, capable adults today. Each one of our kids has used their secure upbringing to go beyond what we imagined for them when they were young.
There were days – which added up to years – when our young children tested my patience and I wondered if they would learn their studies or character. Let me offer you some hope. Hanging in there worked. Day after day after day after day. Your consistency in carrying out your strategy will make a difference. Don’t ever think it won’t.
In order to keep something up day after day and year after year, it needs to be realistic and actually do-able. If you need to be superhuman to carry out your day-to-day plan, take the time to rework your strategy. We can all be superhuman for a time, but it will not work long term.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 NIV